For the last, say, year I have been into monochromatic dressing. This summer it was pretty much all white, save for the ubiquitous denim cutoffs. This fall, I am doing/plan on doing a lot of black, navy, and heck, even some more white. White is calming to me in that it really doesn't have much of a connotation aesthetic-wise. The New Balance, of course, are partly because they are comfortable and partly because I feel a little bit more French or Scandinavian in them. This summer I came across a girl from Paris who was wearing New Balance.
"Oh, I love your New Balances, " I said.
"Ah, yes, Zhank you. They are very nineties, Sehn-Feld (Seinfeld), non?" she said.
"Uhmm, yes, super great!" I answered.
You see, though, she made them look exponentially cooler than I do. I also think they can make the wearer look smarter if done right. Or a better writer. And for the record, I'd love to pose as both.
I love hearing the American references that french people have. You wear those sneakers.