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 I decided that I am going to change my blog name from Madame Couture to Melodies and Shorelines, today. I am doing this because I chose the current name about two years ago when I was younger and unsure about the fashion world. Now, I see my blog as more of an outlet for my life in general - music, everyday, etc. Of course I still manage to display/express most of these feelings through fashion and style (as that is the main "theme") but I know I have changed as a person, making it time for the blog name to change a bit as well. I hope this is not confusing and I will be leaving my url as 'madame couture' because that's what comes up first in a web search and is more established than if I changed it. I may later once this seems to be more stable.
   I chose this new title because these are some words that I have heard in a song very dear to me. I feel like my life - and life in general - always is played out with a melody be it sad or happy. And shorelines because I love to daydream and nothing quite gets the creative juices flowing more than an ocean for me (and mostly crashing, violent waves on rocky shorlines). Especially somber oceans in the winter in which the beach is covered in snow. It's haunting yet beautiful....kind of like the different stages in life.
  I guess that explains the title change, and I feel it will be a little bit more true to me as a person, now, and also leave room for some more dreaming!
Thanks to all of my lovely followers and their support for the blog...whatever it may be called.
pic via unkown

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